<aside> ☝ This portfolio is the work of Zachariah Prajeeyachat. Please do not copy without permission. Some exhibits, work samples, or service samples are the organization's proprietary property whose name appears on the document. Each has granted permission for this product to be used to demonstrate this work.




Hi, I am Zach.

Zachariah Prajeeyachat

I am a student from Thailand.

I believe that life is like a game of chess. That’s why I don't rely on luck, but rather good moves.


  1. Scholarly - I believe that we are all learners for our entire life. It's always fun to keep learning and acquire new knowledge.
  2. Perceptive - Everyone has their aptitude. I focus on intellectual understanding and accumulating knowledge.
  3. Self-reliant - I base conclusions on research and analysis rather than hunches or half-baked assumptions. This gives me the self-assurance I need to stand up for ideas, even in the face of disagreement.

Educational Achievements



On August 1, 2020, I decided to take a Python programming course. It was full of challenge and fun when you have to do something you never know that you'll be able to do it. It's an entirely whole new world to me, but feeling after doing something logical on your own is very impressive. I love how I can implement mathematics knowledge to make the program works. I can do things I like with programming. That's Chess.

Anyway, my knowledge and programming skills are nowhere near what you call what I'm good at. It needs months and years of practicing, learning, failing, and growing to become better. I also believe that learning programming is beneficial for my future career.





Creative AI Camp 2021: AI Altering the World

The camp was organized by CP All, the executive of All Online and 7-Eleven, ****aiming to select representatives from every school all over Thailand to learn about Artificial Intelligence and Go (Weichi) to help them become the leader in technology, social, and business to develop our country in the future.

Before entering this camp, we had to submit a portfolio, a transcript, and an essay about AI. We also had to the mathematics, logic, communication tests, including recording and submitting the interviewing of ourselves answering questions. A couple of weeks later, they announced that I'd passed the qualification, which was a big deal because I got to be one of the only 40 people who had a chance to participate.

We spent a whole month learning about technical stuff and how we can apply them to business. Next, we gathered in a group of four sharing the same interest (So that would be ten groups in total). On that day, we receive a problem that we have to tackle from the business unit of CP All. We have to develop a good solution that can implement AI into and build the real product to pitch in the upcoming month.

We had lots of struggles during the ideation process trying to find the best solution that fits the judging criteria. Besides, there was not so much time because all of us had to study in the daytime. And in the nighttime, they made us learn GO. So time management is a huge problem.

After all, our team managed to build the final prototype and pitch the solution to the board. They think that our recommendation system for the 7-Eleven employee idea is practical and meets most of the criteria. We won the competition and we all gained the best experience of working in a team, coding, design thinking process.



Infographic Training and Workshop with Infographic Thailand

Infographic Thailand is one media that I have been following for years. I admire their full-of-knowledge works and their working values. And I had wanted to have the ability to produce infographics myself. Because I never had a chance to understand it.

Until I saw the advertising via Facebook when I decided instantly to put my name in the form; at that time, I didn't expect what to see or what will come. Until that day, it was a full weekend workshop. I got to know many friendly people (all of them are much older than me.) I got to see how the Infographic Thailand team processes their works entirely. I know how to create one infographic from the very beginning to the end. It builds great confidence in me. And even if I might not use these skills in the future, it still was a fantastic opportunity to challenge myself.


Training atmosphere

Training atmosphere